8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

September 11, 2020 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes

Friday September 11, 2020
Brookwood Outdoor Garden

Members Present:
Parents: Abby Pohlman, Amy Jones, Derek Matsumori, Megan Olson, Lance Soffe, Hadley Waters

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Caroline Butters, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:
Parents: Misa Sorenson and Katie Park
Faculty/Staff: N/A

Attendees Present: N/A

Meeting was called to order at 7:50 AM

  1. Welcome – Abby Pohlman
  2. Introduction of Council Members – Abby Pohlman
  3. Elect School Community Council Chair – Corrie Barrett
    1. Lance nominated Abby as Chair. Megan Seconded, all approved.
    2. Amy nominated Megan for Secretary. Hadley Seconded, all approved.
  4. By-Laws, Rules of Order Review – Abby Pohlman
    1. Abby motioned the by-laws/Rules. Amy seconded, all approved.
    2. All new members will be required to participate in a 1-hour online training. All members will be required to participate in a separate online training. Abby will attend an in-person chair training.
  5. Review/approval of March minutes – Abby Pohlman
    1. Abby motioned. Kathy seconded, all approved.
  6. Digital Citizenship/White Ribbon – Corrie Barrett
    1. CSD utilizes the Content Keeper System to filter content. The filter categorizing known internet content and then allowing us to block inappropriate categories. Not very often do kids run across inappropriate content at Brookwood due to these filters.
    2. Teachers are trained on what to do if inappropriate content is accessed at the beginning of every school year. The device involved is isolated and the IT department will investigate.
    3. Students are educated in Brain Boosters. Charity Vernon will be teaching Digital Citizenship lessons Sept 22- Oct 30. She has a curriculum map provided by the district. Each grade level will have different lessons.
      1. Corrie will look into posting Charity’s Curriculum Map online for parents to access
    4. White Ribbon week will be put on by the PTA Oct. 12-14
    5. Parents can find a tip of the month on Brookwood’s homepage.
    6. SCC agrees that we have enough information to determine if the filtering systems/supervision practices are appropriate, the schools educational efforts to instill in students a desire to be good digital citizens, and the school has a viable plan to present Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship information to parents.
  7. Review of Landtrust Plan – Corrie Barrett
  8. SCC finances update – Corrie Barrett
    Landtrust funds- We have $58,000 this year.
    Cell tower funds- Moving the Cell tower naturally was put on hold in the spring due to COVID. Budget is $12,000.
    TSSP- Thanks to TSSA we have Stephanie Knight, full time, using 2nd step    curriculum to help with Social/Emotional Education.
    School funds from fundraisers- $13,900
    We need to keep in mind Artapalooza may look different this year. Abby recommends we start thinking about this and visit it in November.   
  9. Input from PTA representatives – N/A
  10. Input from the community- N/A
  11. Adjourn – Motioned by Abby, seconded by Kathy
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