8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

General Information for New Students



If your child is ill and you are keeping him/her home, please call the school at: 801-826-7913 before 9:00 am.

Students should arrive as close to 8:55 a.m. as possible. Students will be outside until 8:55 a.m. The teachers use the time before and after school for preparation. Unless your child is coming for breakfast, please do not bring your child to school any earlier than this.




Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during school hours except with a parent or an adult designated as an emergency contact. Please check your student out of school by notifying the teacher and then, at the agreed time, coming to the office to get the child. All students must be checked in or out through the office.




  1. A student may be counted present up to 10 days maximum for travel/vacation in any one year.
  2. Parents must use the Student Request for Educational Leave form if the absence includes 3 or more school days. This form is available in the office.
  3. Parent/Guardian must notify the teacher of absence at least one week prior to the absence in order to make homework arrangements., 
  4. The student will receive a comparable number of days to complete homework in order for absences to be considered excused.  Example: If a student is absent five days, homework will be due 5 days after the end of the vacation.
  5. Students who take educational leave will be disqualified from receiving awards associated with attendance (100% attendance awards, etc.).


To ensure our children’s safety, all visitors must report to the office. If you are going beyond the office, you will be asked to wear a visitor pass. If you have school-aged family or friends visiting, they are not permitted to attend with your child.  



We welcome volunteers to our school and find them essential to our success! Before your volunteer, please complete the volunteer application on the Canyons School District website at least 72 hours before your volunteer. 

All volunteers must be approved through this website before volunteering every year.

Canyons School District clears the volunteer database every year and all applicants need to reapply every year.

Once you are approved, you can sign in at the  office and record your hours. 

Children, babies and toddlers are not allowed in the teacher workroom or in the classroom if you are working with students. It is very distracting for the class when other children are in the classroom. We are unable to accommodate anyone other than adult volunteers on field trips.  

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