8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

Kindergarten Information

1. Welcome to Brookwood Elementary

2. Orientation Overview

3. How to Enroll

4. Immunizations & Health Care

Enrollment Information

If you have a child that will be five years old on or before September 1, 2025, your child qualifies for kindergarten this fall. State law requires that all school districts in Utah abide by the same September 1st entrance cut-off date.

If you have an incoming kindergarten student, please begin the enrollment process online by creating a Temporary Account for New Student Enrollment. You will need to upload your students birth certificate, immunizations, and proof of residency during this process.

Please feel free to contact the school at (801) 826-7900 with any questions or concerns.

Health and Medical

General Information

We must have your student’s birth certificate, immunizations records or exemption certificate and your proof of residency before your student starts Kindergarten. Please email the documents to julie.bird@canyonsdistrict.org or fax to 801-826-7901.

Kindergarten Schedule 2024-2025


9:00 – 9:15                          Morning Meeting

9:15 – 9:45                          Reading Foundations

9:45 – 10:35                       Language, Reading, Writing

10:35 – 11:30                     Math

11:30 – 11:55                     Skills Based Instruction (Math)

11:55                                    PICK-UP ½ DAY STUDENTS IN THE MAIN OFFICE

11:55 – 12:35                     Lunch/Recess

12:35 – 1:00                       Language, Reading, Writing

1:00 – 1:45                          Skills Based Instruction (Reading)

1:45 – 2:00                          Science, Social Studies

2:00 – 2:45                          Brain Booster (STEM Lab/PE Art/Library)

2:45 – 3:05                          Recess

3:05 – 3:45                          Oral Language Block

3:45                                      Dismissal                             


9:00 – 9:15                          Morning Meeting

9:15 – 9:45                          Reading Foundations

9:45 – 10:35                        Language, Reading, Writing

10:35 – 11:15                      Math

11:15 – 11:55                      Oral Language Block

11:55                                    PICK-UP ½ DAY STUDENTS IN THE MAIN OFFICE

11:55 – 12:35                     Lunch/Recess

12:35 – 1:00                       Language, Reading, Writing

1:00 – 1:45                          Skills Based Instruction (Reading)

1:45 – 2:00                          Science, Social Studies

2:00 – 2:45                          Brain Booster (Art/Library)

2:45 – 3:00                           Recess

3:00 – 3:20                          Math

3:20 – 3:45                          Skills Based Instruction (Math)

3:45                                      Dismissal


9:00 – 9:15                          Morning Meeting

9:15 – 9:45                          Reading Foundations

9:45 – 10:35                       Brain Booster (STEM Lab/PE)

10:35 – 10:50                     Recess

10:50 – 11:20                     Language, Reading, Writing

11:20 – 11:55                       Math

11:55                                    PICK-UP ½ DAY STUDENTS IN THE MAIN OFFICE

11:55 – 12:35                     Lunch/Recess

12:35 – 1:00                       Language, Reading and Writing

1:00 – 1:45                          Skills Based Instruction (Reading)

1:45 – 2:00                          Science, Social Studies

2:00 – 2:20                          Language, Reading, Writing

2:20 – 2:40                          Math

2:40 – 3:05                          Skills Based Instruction (Math)

3:05 – 3:45                           Oral Language Block

3:45                                      Dismissal


9:00 – 9:15                          Morning Meeting

9:15 – 9:45                          Reading Foundations

9:45 – 10:25                       Language, Reading and Writing

10:25 – 10:35                     Recess

10:35 – 11:15                     Math

11:15 – 11:55                     Skills Based Instructional Reading Block (Individualized Learning)

11:55                                    PICK-UP ½ DAY STUDENTS IN THE MAIN OFFICE

11:55 – 12:35                     Lunch/Recess

12:35 – 1:15                       Language, Reading and Writing

1:15 – 1:55                          Skills Based Math Block (Individualized Learning)

1:55                                      Dismissal

Kindergarten FAQ's

How do we handle the taking of attendance for half-day students?

There are not any special attendance instructions for students who are only attending half day. They are marked present when they are in class and absent when they are not. The only consideration that needs to be made is if a half-day student is invited to attend all day for special events. In such cases, the teacher will need to let the administrator/office know. 

Where are the half-day request forms? What’s the process for filing these?

If you are interested in the half-day schedule please contact Principal Barrett to complete the request form (801-826-7903).

Do half-day families need to also sign and submit a release form?

No. The half-day request form is not the same as an education release form. Because families are not required to participate in full-day kindergarten, they don’t need to have a reason or approval. They can simply make arrangements with the school principal to attend kindergarten half day. The half-day request form documents the shared understanding of the half-day schedule and expectations. 

Why is Canyons expanding full day kindergarten? 

The Utah Legislature this year passed legislation to fund full-day kindergarten, making it possible for Canyons to expand its free, full-day offerings. Currently, a majority of Canyons students participate in full-day kindergarten. Twenty-six of CSD’s 28 elementary schools have been offering some form of full-day kindergarten for at least one year or more.

Is participation in full day kindergarten required? 

No. Students are not required to participate in full-day kindergarten. Students can participate in half-day instruction in a full day kindergarten classroom. If you would prefer to have your child attend kindergarten on a half-day schedule, please make an appointment through the Main Office to discuss the needs of your child. Parents will be able to complete a half-day request form. 

If I choose for my child to participate in half-day, will there be a morning and afternoon option? 

We encourage half-day students to attend school in the morning. Parents who have questions about the kindergarten schedule and their half-day options, should call the Main Office to discuss what may be in the best interest of their child.

If I choose for my child to participate in half-day, will transportation be provided?

Because buses only run at the beginning and end of the school day, students who attend half-day will either be able to ride the bus to school in the morning or home in the afternoon. Additional transportation arrangements will have to be made by a parent or guardian.

If my child is participating in half-day, will my child still be able to participate in class parties or events?

Absolutely. If a class party or school event is scheduled to occur after your child’s half-day, your child will have the option to stay for the full school day. 

Can I change my mind and shift to half-day or full day at any time?

Families can request to shift from half-day instruction to full-day at any time during the school year. Reach out to the Main Office to discuss the timing and logistics.

Is there an option for my child to attend for a half-day on certain days of the week?

No. In order to plan and provide adequate staffing and resources, school schedules are set in advance. As with all students, regular attendance is encouraged for kindergartners to get the full benefits of instruction. 

What will the half-day option look like? Will the half-day option look the same as half-day kindergarten has looked in the past?

Because bell schedules and lunch times differ from school to school, every school’s half-day instruction schedule will look a little different. Brookwood’s half-day schedule is outlined in the section above. 

Will I get a refund for the fees I paid to participate in supplemental kindergarten?

Yes. Any fees paid related to supplemental kindergarten participation for the 2023-2024 school year will be refunded.

When will I know who my child’s teacher will be?

Sometime in July you will receive an email asking you to schedule a time to bring your student in for an assessment. The KEEP assessment is given to all Utah kindergartners at the beginning and end of the school year. Brookwood will be giving the KEEP assessment August 7th, 8th, and 9th. After all students have been assessed, the teachers will take time to evenly distribute students across the two classes. Your child’s teacher will send you an email shortly thereafter so you will know who to visit at our annual Open House on August 17th. 

How can I be assured my child will learn as much under the new half-day model?

In Canyons District, our kindergarten teachers are dedicated to providing high-quality instruction to all students and meeting their individual needs. One benefit of the full-day model is that teachers will have one classroom of students as opposed to two half-day classes — providing them more time for lesson planning, one-on-one mentoring, and monitoring of student progress. 

Why do the morning half-day students leave before lunch?

Lunch makes for a consistent and predictable release time for the students who are directed to the Main Office to be picked up by their parents. This allows the school to provide supervision while the students are waiting. 

What are the benefits of full-day kindergarten?

Research continues to demonstrate significant benefits for students enrolled in full-day kindergarten because it affords children the learning time needed to holistically prepare students for the academic rigor of first grade (Gibbs, 2014). Full-day kindergarten students: 

  • Are more prepared for school: they do better with the transition to first grade, show significant gains in school socialization and are equipped with stronger learning skills
  • Have higher academic achievement in later grades
  • Have better attendance in kindergarten and through the primary grades
  • Show faster gains on literacy and language measures when compared to half-day kindergarten students
  • Have enhanced social, emotional and behavior development
  • Have reduced retention and remediation rates.
  • While these are benefits for ALL students, they are most significant for students who are academically at-risk due to poverty or language deficits (Villegas, 2005; Halle, et. al, 2009)

CSD’s full-day kindergarten model has provided:

  • Double the instructional time in literacy and math
  • More than double the time for Oral Language Block which is specially designed for students language and social development in a play-centered environment 
  • Less hurried day with more varied experiences in more content areas
  • More individualized attention to students
  • The opportunity for siblings to stay together throughout for the entire school day
  • Consistent intervention and extension supports, including those available after school
  • Sustained enrollment

Academic Resources