Hello! My name is Miss Butters and I am thrilled to be moving to second grade next year here at Brookwood. I’ve been teaching here at Brookwood for the past three years in first grade. Brookwood elementary is a fabulous school and community. I have been so fortunate to work in such a supportive and fun place. Fun fact about me- growing up I always wanted to be a teacher and if you asked me when I was in elementary, middle, and high school- I always responded, “I want to be a second-grade teacher when I grow up,” and even did my student teaching in second grade at the University of Utah. I have loved teaching first grade and look forward to moving on with my kiddos and continuing to make memories with them as we learn and grow. My favorite subject to teach is reading and can’t wait to soar even farther in second grade!
I was born and lived in New Jersey for the first 9 years of my life. In fourth grade I moved to Utah and have lived here since. My hobbies include reading, art (my students will often see me doodling on my board), and baking. Some of my favorite things include Disney, flowers, musicals, rainy weather, the color pink, and skittles. Can’t wait to have you in my class!