8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

April 16, 2021 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes
*Open Meeting: Brookwood Parents, Teachers, Staff and Community Invited*

Friday, April 16, 2021
7:45 am to 9:00 am
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:
Parents: Abby Pohlman, Amy Jones, Derek Matsumori, Megan Olson, Hadley Waters, Misa Sorenson

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Caroline Butters, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:
Parents: Lance Soffe and Katie Park
Faculty/Staff: N/A

Attendees Present: Raquel Hinz, Tori and Mitch Easton

Agenda Items

  1. Welcome – Abby Pohlman
  2. Review/approval of February minutes – Abby Pohlman
    -Abby Pohlman motioned all approved
  3. Review School Data – Corrie Barrett
    -Rise data can be viewed through skyward by parents
    -Acadience will be sent home with end of year report cards
  4. TSSP and LAND Trust Plan – Corrie Barrett
    -Corrie has submitted plans and is waiting for approval
  5. Digital Citizenship/White Ribbon – Corrie Barrett
    -Teachers appreciated all the work put into digital citizenship.
    -Thanks, Jordan Smith, for all the work you did!
  6. SCC finances update – Corrie Barrett
    Landtrust funds
    -We have a current balance of $2,700. These funds are mainly used for interventions.
    Cell tower funds
    -We have a current balance of $13,000 in cell tower funds.  This will carry over to next year!=
    This money was used to pay for PBIS rewards app that replaced paper Bear Bucks. The cost will go down next year as we were the first elementary in the district to use this program and many others have signed contracts for next year!
    -The bear store opens every 2 weeks. The kids access this online store through Clever.
    -School funds from fundraisers
    -Funds will carry over to next year
    -Has a current balance of $3,500.
    -These funds will be given annually from here on out.
    – We no longer have business partners.
  7. SCC Election 2021-2022 school year – Abby Pohlman
    -We will participate in an election for next school year at our meeting in May.
  8. Input from PTA representatives – PTA Grade Representatives (Raquel Hinz)
    -Field day is challenging. We will be doing stations, and will have 2 days worth of field day to give everyone a chance to participate.  Kindergarten will have their own activities as usual.
    -Parents are upset because they feel as though they are being forced to be vaccinated in order to volunteer.  This is not the case. Parents can also get negative tests. Vaccines are not mandatory.
    -Corrie has vouchers in her office that can be used to be tested at the District Office. If a volunteer does not have the vaccine it will be treated the same as secondaries “test to play” method. 
    -Corrie will send out communication on this topic to clarify the new expectations ASAP
  9. Input from the community- Guests
    -Tori and Mitch Easton are curious about zones. They are concerned that Brookwood is having a bigger bullying problem this year because of zones. They would like to know what needs to happen for the school to not have zones any longer. Tori also had signatures from several parents and students who were also pledging to lift zones.

    -Corrie says with 24 days left in person she does not want to make changes at this point. We have had 129 students and staff quarantined this year so far and only 14 were due to school exposures. We also are still having quarantines/positives. 
    -Corrie also pointed out that this may be 2 separate issues being addressed. All schools, unfortunately, have bullying.
    -Raquel Hinz agrees that bullying is a huge problem, and being on the playground more than ever this year she has been surprised.
    -Mrs. Smith explained the Second Step program and believes it is a great help.
    -Ms. Butters has been grateful for zones as it has been something that has allowed a little less stress on her during all this challenging year.
    -Many of the people in attendance agreed that if it is between having zones or a possible chance of their child being quarantined the last 6 weeks of school, they would rather have zones.
    -Corrie hopes that by the fall a lot of our “COVID procedures” will be lifted and next year will be more of a normal year.
    -Corrie is going to do some research and see what other schools have been doing for recesses and evaluate if she feels zones have been as helpful as we have thought. There is no real data to show this.
    -Derek emphasized the fact that our school data has shown being in person learning has been beneficial, and the scores of kids that have been in person learning were higher in January than the online learners tested.
    -As far as the bullying goes, Mrs. Smith pointed out that it is difficult to solve an escalated problem. It is important for kids that are being bullied or having social struggles to discuss these immediately with a grown up. There are adults out at recess that are watching 75+ kids. Students need to get help if they need it. The teachers don’t always witness issues that are happening.
    -It was also discussed that children don’t always understand what bullying is. There is a difference between kids being kids are bullying.

  10. Adjourn – Abby Pohlman
    -Abby Pohlman motioned, all in favor.
    -Next meeting will be held May 14- this will be the last meeting of the year.
    -Elections for next year will be discussed during this meeting.

2020-2021 SCC Meetings
May 14, 2021

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