8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

February 19, 2021 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes
*Open Meeting: Brookwood Parents, Teachers, Staff and Community Invited*

Friday February 19, 2021
7:45 am to 9:00 am, via Zoom

Agenda Items

  1. Welcome – Abby Pohlman
  2. Review/approval of October minutes – Abby Pohlman motioned / Kathy Smith 2nd
  3. Review School Data – Corrie BarrettCorrie is very thrilled with the data for middle of year assessments! Brookwood has a goal of 90% of students achieving at or above benchmark by end of year!
    -Last year at mid-year we were about 71% and this year we are at 75%!
    – Kinder is 93%, 1st 77%, 2nd 84%, 3rd 89%, 4th 93%, and 5th 84%! Each grade has had great growth since the beginning of the year! Way to go teachers!
    -Acadience Reading Composites don’t show a significant difference between in class and at home learners, but in class students did score slightly higher.
    -What has helped get us to where we are at? Interventionists have been key. We have not done the push in model due to COVID, and small groups are harder for teachers to pull off. The interventionist pulling struggling students has helped so much!
    – Kindergarten and 1st grade have also noticed ECRI has been a huge help in this growth. We have not seen as much growth with second grade using this program.
    -How does this compare with other schools in the district? We are top 3! Way to go Brookwood!
    -We had significant growth in math also!
    -Kinder is at 88%, 1st 73%, 2nd 89%, 3rd 87%, 4th 90%, and 5th 93%
    At or above benchmark on their composite scores! MCAP school wide is 89%, and MCOMP 83% school wide.
    – Last year Brookwood had a 4% growth between the beginning of the year and mid year. This year we are showing a 16% growth!!
    – What has helped us get to where we are? The teachers have been teaching with more kid talk. We also have interventionists helping.
    – 5th grade has been doing a spiral review to help boost theirs- which has been working! Good job 5th!
  4. TSSP and LAND Trust Plan – Corrie Barrett
    -Corrie would like to use the Landtrust and TSSP to put more money into math. She would like to have 3 math interventionists to help keep this growth going next year! In reading, Corrie is proposing we continue to have 8 reading interventionists and hopefully they can be used in a push in model like we have done in years past.
    -School Climate has been improved by having teachers teaching Second Step lessons during Morning Meetings. Having a school counselor full time has been very helpful!
  • Digital Citizenship/White Ribbon – Corrie Barrett-White ribbon week is the 2nd week in March.
    -Jordan hopes to get each family a magazine to help lead a family conversation about digital citizenship. What is the best way to get the most participation with this at home?
    -We will have teachers mention that the magazine is coming home at parent conferences, and then send the magazine home with Friday packets and include it in the may do list.
  • SCC finances update – Corrie Barrett
    -The TSSP fund for this year still have $4500 that is not planning to be spent. Corrie would like to use this money to upgrade classroom audio enhancements, and purchase a set of iPads for progress monitoring.
    -We have $14,511 that we can carry over into next year from cell tower funds!
    – School fundraising we will have $500 to carry over. Teachers have not had to dip into these funds as much as normal, due to grants. We plan to carry over more like $3500!
    -We will not be doing Artapalooza this year. We have enough money to carry over to be okay next year.
    – We would like to put less stress and pressure on the parents this year. Especially because we had a lot of teacher experience donations that never were happened.
    -Abby motioned to approve the plan for Landtrust/TSSP Funding, Amy 2nd, All in favor.

  • Input from PTA representatives – PTA Grade Representative
    -Raquel let us know that there will be field day this year! It will look a bit different but every class will be able to participate in activities with their class only.

  • Input from the community- Guests

  • Adjourn – Abby Pohlman

2020-2021 SCC Meetings
March 19, 2021
May 14, 2021

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