8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

February 25, 2022 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes

Friday, February 25, 2022
7:45 AM
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:

Parents: Abby Pohlman, Derek Matsumori, Megan Olson, Tori Easton, Misa Sorenson, Amy Jones, Katie Park

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Kathy Smith, Caroline Butters

Members Excused:

Parents: Hadley Waters, Beau Olsen


Attendees Present: Jessica Pohlman

  1. Welcome – Called to Order 7:45 Abby Pohlman
  2. Abby motioned to approve January Minutes, Amy 2nd. All in favor.
  3. Review School Data
    1. Composite comparisons (last year vs. this year)
      1. 2020-2021
        1. Beginning of the year: Kindergarten: 79%, First grade: 76%, Second grade: 81%, Third grade: 82%, Fourth grade: 73%, Fifth grade: 69%
        2. Middle of year: Kindergarten: 93%, First grade: 77%, Second grade: 84%, Third grade: 89%, Fourth grade: 93%, Fifth grade: 84%
      2. 2021-2022
        1. Beginning of the year: Kindergarten: 96%, First grade: 76%, Second Grade: 83%, Third grade: 84%, Fourth grade: 83%, Fifth grade: 91%
        2. Middle of the year: Kindergarten: 92%, First grade: 83%, Second grade: 84%, Third grade: 78%, Fourth grade: 82%, Fifth grade: 96%
    2. Reading inventory 2021-2022
      1. Fall:
        1. 4th grade- Below basic-12, Basic- 29, Proficient- 24, Advanced- 17
        2. 5th grade- – Below basic-2, Basic- 26, Proficient- 18, Advanced- 36
      2. Winter:
        1. 4th grade- Below basic-8, Basic- 24, Proficient- 16, Advanced- 34
        2. 5th grade- – Below basic-2, Basic- 13, Proficient- 19, Advanced- 48
    3. Reading Inventory Proficiency Across years:
        1. 2019-2020
          1. Fourth Grade: Beginning of the year: 50%, Middle of the year: 62%
          2. Fifth Grade: Beginning of the year: 62%, Middle of the year: 75%
        2. 2020-2021
          1. Fourth Grade: Beginning of the year: 56%, Middle of the year: 72%, End of the Year: 85%
          2. Fifth Grade: Beginning of the year: 57%, Middle of the year: 67%, End of year: 83%
        3. 2021-2022
          1. Fourth Grade: Beginning of the year: 50%, Middle of the year: 61%
          2. Fifth Grade: Beginning of the year: 67%, Middle of the year: 82%
    4. Overall, in the school 55% of kids middle of year are at or above typical growth
      1. Growth Data from Intervention
        1. Total students in intervention- 122. 57% of those 122 are making at or above typical grown
    5. Brookwood Acadience Reading Pathways of Progress Middle of year- End of year over the last 4 years- First-Third Grades
      1. 2018-2019
        1. Middle of year- 82% at typical or better growth
        2. End of year- 88% at typical or better growth
      2. 2019-2020
        1. Middle of year- 71% at typical or better growth
        2. End of year- NA
      3. 2020-2021
        1. Middle of year- 72% at typical or better growth
        2. End of year- 69% at typical or better growth
      4. 2021-2022
        1. Middle of year- 57% at typical or better growth
    6. Reading Pathways of Progress Middle of year across grade levels over 3 years
      1. 2019-2020
        1. Kindergarten- 79%, first grade- 68%, Second grade- 78%, Third grade- 75%, Fourth grade- 91%, Fifth grade- 72%
      2. 2020-2021
        1. Kindergarten- 74%, first grade- 66%, Second grade- 73%, Third grade- 75%, Fourth grade- 71%, Fifth grade- 74%
      3. 2021-2022
        1. Kindergarten- 67%, first grade- 51%, Second grade- 63%, Third grade- 56%, Fourth grade- 38%, Fifth grade- 59%
    7. 2021-2022 Academic goal- reading- 90% of students in grades 1-3 will achieve at or above typical growth from BOY to EOY as measured by Acadience reading assessment given in spring 2022
    8. Proposed 2022-2023 academic goal- reading: By the end of the 2022-2023 school year at least ____% of students in each grade will meet or surpass typical progress on the Acadience Reading Pathway of Progress measure and ____% of students in grades 4-5 will meet or surpass their expected growth goal as measured by Reading Inventory in the Expected Growth Goals report.
      1. Corrie would love to see enrichment groups happening more, but this would be based on who we will be able to hire.
    9. Why are scores struggling? School shut down? Friday home learning? Attendance?
    10. Some things to be aware of in regard to reading:
      1. Our Lexile library is ready! Kids will begin to go down to choose books on their level to check out to take home. We will need parent volunteers for this.
      2. The district’s contract with Reading Street is up this year. Canyons will be getting rid of Reading Street and use Wonders and 95% core, this will have a learning curve for the teachers.
    11. Math composite proficiency 2021-2022 (% at/above benchmark) across grades:
      1. Kindergarten: beginning of the year: 86%, middle of year: 98%
      2. First grade: beginning of the year: 78%, middle of year: 89%
      3. Second grade: beginning of the year: 81%, middle of year: 76%
      4. Third grade: beginning of the year: 76%, middle of year: 81%
      5. Fourth grade: beginning of the year: 83%, middle of year: 89%
      6. Fifth grade: beginning of the year: 73%, middle of the year: 91%
      7. School average 87%, 8% average growth
    12. Pathways of progress middle of the year 2021-2022 (% typical or better progress)
      1. Kindergarten 91%, first grade 76%, second grade 78%, third grade 86%, fourth grade 83%, fifth grade 95%
      2. School average typical growth or better 87%
      3. 2021-2022 Academic goal- math: By May of 2022, grades K-5 will see an increase of at least 17% in proficiency as measured by Acadience Math Composite data from fall to spring
      4. Proposed 2022-2023 academic goal-math: By the end of the 2022-2023 school year, at least ____% of students in each grade will meet or surpass typical progress on the Acadience Math Pathway of Progress measure.
  4. How have we seen such a difference in scores since COVID? We need to continue to support teachers in their tier 1 as they will be able to give the best instruction to the whole group. But a huge issue has become attendance. Kids need to be in school. We have hit record absences this school year. Why? There is an unclear attendance policy. Next year we will focus our efforts on improving school attendance.
  5. 2021-2022 School Climate Goal- By the end of 2021-2022 school year, 100% of teachers will hold morning circles a minimum of 4 times per week, with each meeting exhibiting all four components (message, greeting, sharing, activity). The purpose continues to be promoting positive social/emotional relationships between students that will benefit them in both academic and recreational arenas. Additionally, students will develop positive relationship with teachers.
    1. Mrs. Knight has created a program in which the teachers are using for social emotional learning. This program has a different theme for each month. This program is very scripted and easy for the teachers to use during their class meetings.
      1. At the beginning of every month, teachers use their weekly email to post what is being taught during these lessons. But are parents going to canvas to look at these? It would reach more parents if it were in an e-mail instead of a link they must log into, how many parents actually know their log in?
    2. Proposed 2022-2023 school climate goal- All students will attend school at least _____% of the school year. To achieve this goal, students cannot miss more than ____ days of school for the year.
      1. SCC had the idea of keeping class meetings apart of this goal and instead of attending school could it be attending class meetings? Kids would have to be to school and on time to fulfill this goal.
  6. TSSP and LAND Trust Plan
    1. LAND trust- we should end the year with about $1200
    2. Cell Tower- carry over is about $20,000
    3. TSSP- remaining now about $10,000 carrying over the goal of less than 5%
  7. Cell Tower Update
    1. The cell company has been out and chosen a location for the new tower. Sandy City has been stalling the process, but it is all still in progress.
  8. Artapalooza
    1. We have our online portal ready! Online we will have our baskets up for auction. Everyone who would like to participate needs to quickly register and then they will have access. The bidding is Wednesday-Sunday. Baskets will be on display during conference hours.
    2. Teacher experiences will not be online. Teacher experiences will be for purchase in the gym. We will also have a bake sale, Brookie’s Market (with small toys and things), and a glow room in the art room.
  9. Input from PTA representatives
  10. Input from the community
  11. Dates to remember
    1. Remaining meetings for the school year:
      1. March 18, 2022
      2. April 22, 2022
      3. May 20, 2022
  12. Abby motioned to adjourn Amy 2nd. All in favor
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