8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

January 21, 2022 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes

Friday, January 21, 2022
7:45 AM
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:

Parents: Abby Pohlman, Derek Matsumori, Megan Olson, Beau Olsen, Tori Easton

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:

Parents: Misa Sorenson, Amy Jones, Hadley Waters, Katie Park

Faculty/Staff: Caroline Butters

Attendees Present: Jessica Pohlman

  1. Welcome – Called to Order 7:46, Abby Pohlman
  2. Abby motioned to approve October Minutes, Kathy 2nd. All in favor.
  3. School Data
    1. Corrie will have data for us in February. The district tested this week, and a lot of students were absent so the next few weeks will be used to make up.
    2. Last week we had a record number of absences. This is making data collection and teaching very challenging.
    3. We are number 6 in mask exemptions in the district with 49 exceptions. Could this be a reason for extra high numbers, we don’t know.
      1. As far as faculty, we have one mask exemption.
      2. 2 faculty were out this week, 1 last week with a family member positive
    4. Abby mentioned the concern of it being challenging for parents to keep up on their child’s make up work with all the hard copies needed. Parents should know that teachers are happy to prep the work for their child to be picked up at the school.
    5. Because of the extra prep gathering work for students out and keeping canvas up to date, remote Fridays are super helpful for the teachers.
  4. Artaplooza- March 2-3 during parent teacher conferences
    1. Due to the large gathering that comes with Artaplooza, we will not be holding it in the “traditional way”
    2. PTA had the idea to hold it on Parent Conference night. It will be simplified as follows:
      1. Art around the school
      2. Silent Auction basket by each class (Abbie and Megan will coordinate)
      3. An online Component which will allow people not in attendance to participate
      4. Teacher experiences (Misa and Katie will coordinate)
      5. Deb Stoker will donate 40 loafs of bread for each night
      6. Maybe a bake sale to include the student council
      7. Michelle Goaslind will be doing a glow room and there will be donations being collected at the door
    3. Jessica is going to look to see if Member Hub would be helpful for our online component
    4. The concern was brought up that we keep “cancelling” activities and it has been 2 years of covid. At what point will we move on from this and allow the extra curriculars to continue without covid disturbances?
      1. It was brought to our attention that math Olympiads and debate did not take place this week. This was not Corrie who cancelled them. Corrie gave permission to allow these activities under the “tier 3” protocols being followed IF they could happen with social distancing. The adults in charge of these programs were the ones who ultimately cancelled.
      2. The Superintendent is the one setting the guidelines. These are not Mrs. Barrett’s “rules”. If anyone would like to share their concerns on this issue, the school board would be the ones to contact. Nancy Tingey and Amber Shill represent our community.
      3. Math Olympiads and debate are during the school day. They will follow school protocols as they don’t fall in the “optional” category. Things before and after school are a little more flexible because they are optional.
      4. Math intervention was the only program this week cancelled. This was due to high numbers and small spaces.
      5. Reading interventions continued because of small groups and they were able to space out
      6. Current restrictions will expire on Sunday January 23, 2022. We expect a statement from the Superintendent at the beginning of the week.
      7. The district is basing decisions off individual schools, not the district as a whole
        1. Jordan Valley went remote for the whole week due to students and faculty out. The rest of the district only had one remote learning day.
      8. Corrie is on the student/parents’ side. She wants the school to remain open and activities to still be happening.
        1. We need to work together as a community and lean on the school board representatives to make this happen
  5. Air purifiers
    1. Sharee Olsen put in so much work to get our school air purifiers for each room in the school. When do the filters need to be replaced and can SCC fund that?
      1. Filters need to be changed every 3,000 hours- They were changed March 2021. We will revisit this issue in January 2023 to determine the steps to get new filters
      2. In the meantime, Kathy will e-mail teachers and ask them to clean out their filters.
  6. SNAP
    1. Safe walking routes remain the same.
    2. Kindergarten Playground has a short wall. This wall gets icy and kids walk/ride skateboards on it. Other CSD schools have a rod iron fence on top of it to extend it and stop people from playing on it. Brookwood will submit facilities work order. Our hope is that our district will see this as the safety issue it is and provide funds to cover the cost.
  7. Land trust/TSSP
    1. The budgets are all looking great. We have spent 39% of the budget so far.
    2. Corrie is hopeful the cell tower construction will start soon as Spruce Wood is scheduled for theirs to start this week.
    3. The tower will be moved to the field over by Alta Canyon Drive. There will need to be a wall around it to keep kids off it.
  8. Input by PTA- Jessica Pohlman
    1. The PTA has announced they will no longer be doing a student directory. There are several proofs involved, and it is really hard to make happen the right way.
  9. Abby Motioned to Adjourn the meeting. Derek 2nd.
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