8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

March 18, 2022 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes

Friday, March 18, 2022
7:45 AM
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:

Parents: Abby Pohlman, Megan Olson, Hadley Waters, Beau Olsen, Tori Easton, Katie Park, Misa Sorenson

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Caroline Butters, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:

Parents: Amy Jones, Derek Matsumori

Faculty/Staff: N/A

Attendees Present: Camille Merkley

  1. Welcome – Abby Pohlman
    1. Called to order 7:50
  1. Abby Motioned to approve February minutes. Kathy 2nd. All in favor.
  2. Cell Tower Update
    1. No update- City and cell company are still hashing out details
  3. Artapalooza
    1. We earned just over $17,000 after fees (Brookie’s Market supplies, digital pay stripe fees, etc) were paid. This was our best year to date!
    2. Teachers loved how it was organized this year. There were some groups of kids that roamed the halls/library (unsupervised) which was annoying at times, but overall teachers loved it.
    3. Feedback from community- bidders didn’t feel bad competing for what they wanted like they have in the past due to being online, and some kids missed the social piece of Artapalooza that came with the “old way”
    4. There was a “tip” that could be paid to the platform (Gala bid) by those who won bids. We tried to communicate this before payments happened so they could change the fee to $0 if they wanted. Hopefully everyone did this. Hopefully parents realized this was not a tip to the school. There wasn’t very much money earned through these tips.
  1. Financial update
    1. Land Trust Fund
      1. We have spent 48% of the needed amount. (We can carry over 10% of the amount.)
      2. Corrie is going to go back through spendings to see if there are any already purchased items that can be pulled from these funds.
  2. TSSP and LAND trust plan for the upcoming school year:
    1. Reading
      1. K-3 goal for next year- 75% in K-3 meet or surpass typical growth
      2. 4-5 70% typical growth on reading inventory
    2. Math
      1. 80% typical growth in 1-5
      2. Kindergarten 75% as their testing is different from everyone else
    3. Social/Behavior
      1. 65% of students will attend school 95% of the time (3 or less absences per term)
        1. We have found this year that families are taking vacations every term for a week. These experiences are great, and the school is all for them, but this is a lot more of a “norm” than it ever has been before. Parents will also call the attendance line and say, “we are just going to do school online today”. Canvas is NOT school. Kids need to be in their seats to get the instruction that online school will not provide them.
        2. Next year there will be an attendance policy back in place.
          1. The policy isn’t what we need to change. It is important to emphasize the importance of being at school and informing how much a student truly does miss when they are not in school.
          2. An issue that also need to be addressed is the kids attitude of “I can do school online”. It is not just parents that we need to inform. Students need to see the importance of being in class. This is a district wide issue.
        3. We will continue to provide the full-time social worker, PBIS rewards/school store, class meetings, etc. that we already have in place to help meet social and emotional supports/goals needed
        4. In addition to the things already in place to help achieve 95% attendance by 65% of students Brookwood will also have the following in place next year:
          1. Hire a 17-hour aide (budgeting $8,000) to keep track of attendance and work with parents on educating and encouraging attendance along with supporting the kids and motivating them
            1. Do parents know the appropriate way to excuse their child? Do they know there are vacation forms that should be filled out?
          2. Term incentives for students who achieve 95% attendance each term.
          3. Class with 100% attendance in a day will have their class put into a drawing for the attendance trophy.
          4. There will be an end of the year assembly where kids who have achieved 95% attendance will be celebrated.
        5. Supports for positive behavior at Brookwood include:
          1. 4th grade Botvin Life Skills program
          2. 5th Grade NOVA program
          3. Small group Social Emotional Learning with the social worker
          4. Digital citizenship lessons
          5. Social emotional Learning curriculum created and supported by our SEL staff with monthly focuses (this is where the monthly CEO reward comes in)
          6. Targeted class specific Social Emotional Learning lessons as needed
          7. Class meetings
          8. PBIS rewards/store
          9. Red Ribbon Week
          10. Silver Spoon Star Activity
          11. White ribbon Week
          12. Safe UT
          13. Student council
        6. Stephanie Knight is Brookwood’s current SEL specialist.
  3. Kindergarten Orientation
    1. In the past parents come to the KIVA, get a packet, and listen to lots of information while the kids meet their teacher in the classroom.
      1. Mrs. Barrett and the Kindergarten teachers are proposing this year we do it as a meet and greet open house on April 29 from 2:30-3. Packets will be in video format (see Silver Mesa’s website).
      2. SCC feels this would be beneficial for both the new kindergarten families but also the rest of the school as the videos that will be posted are filled with a ton of helpful information.
  4. FYI- during the whole school day on March 22, there will be workers sealing cracks on the asphalt.
  5. Input from PTA-
    1. White ribbon week is going great.
    2. Parents want to help IN the classroom. Will we ever go back to parents being in the classroom? Normal parent help in the classroom will probably come back next year. Teachers are burned out and adding training parents to their list is not a high priority at this point in the year.
  6. Dates to remember:
    1. 2022 SCC meetings:
      1. April 22, 2022
      2. May 20, 2022
  7. Abby adjourned the meeting, Hadley 2nd.
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