8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

May 14, 2021 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes
*Open Meeting: Brookwood Parents, Teachers, Staff and Community Invited*

Friday, May 14, 2021
7:45 am to 9:00 am
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:
Parents: Abby Pohlman, Amy Jones, Megan Olson, Hadley Waters, Misa Sorenson, Lance Soffe and Katie Park.

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Caroline Butters, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:
Parents: Derek Matsumori, 
Faculty/Staff: N/A

Attendees Present: Raquel Hinz

Agenda Items

  1. Welcome – Abby Pohlman called meeting to order at 7:51
  2. Review/approval of April minutes – Abby Pohlman
    -Abby Pohlman motioned to approve April 16th Minutes, Kathy Smith 2nd. All in favor
    -Abby Pohlman motioned to approve April 29th Meeting Minutes, Caroline Butters 2nd, All in favor.
  3. 2021-2022 School Year Pandemic Plans – Corrie announced there will be no masks the last week of school and as far as she knows right now, everything will be back to normal next year.
          – Corrie does not plan to have zones next year. Corrie would like to keep the lunchtime routines similar with only one grade level in the lunchroom/out at recess at a time. To do this we will have to fund the extra expense ($6,000) it will take to keep the cafeteria workers 2 hours longer. Corrie proposed using cell tower funds being carried over for next year which are $22,000 and using $6,000 to keep the expanded lunch times. Corrie motioned to approve this funding. Amy 2nd. All in favor.
          – As a side note, lunch will tentatively be free for all of next year unless federal funds run out sooner.
          – School will be back in session on Fridays next year.
  4. SCC finances update – Cell tower balance is healthy as mentioned earlier. All other funds have not been used since April 16.
  5. SCC Elections Update 2021-2022 – This is Katie, Lance, Amy, and Misa’s last year on SCC. This means there are 5 open seats on the committee. Those 4 can reapply and applications are open to the community until Monday May 17. If we have more than 5 applications submitted, we will go to a ballot vote. If 5 or less people apply, we will not need to vote. We need a minimum of 4 seats filled on the committee.
          – We will vote on a Chair and secretary in the fall.
  6. Input from PTA –  Raquel says PTA is ready for field day. The response to parent volunteers was wonderful and the PTA is so appreciative of the help.
          -Parents don’t understand why they can do recess duty without a COVID test or vaccine, but they can’t help with field day. Corrie clarified that they could have parents to recess duty without a problem because it is less than 15 minutes.
  7. Input from the community – We could possibly need a pandemic plan for next year. If the district requires this, SCC will hold a meeting over the summer.
  8. Adjourn – Abby motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:05. Amy 2nd. All in favor.

2020-2021 SCC Meetings
May 14, 2021

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