8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

May 19, 2023 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes

Friday, May 19, 2023
7:45 AM
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:

Parents: Megan Olson, Hadley Waters, Amy Jones

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:

Parents: Beau Olsen, Tori Easton, Katie Park (voted virtual to approve March minutes), Derek Matsumori

Faculty/Staff: Caroline Butters

Attendees Present:

    1. Welcome – Megan Olson
      1. Called to order 7:51
    1. Megan Motioned to approve March minutes. Kathy 2nd. All in favor (plus Katie virtually).
    2. Faculty for 2023-2024
      • Kindergarten
        • Chamberlain
        • Hokanson
      • 1st Grade
        • Miss Butters
        • Dean
      • 2nd Grade
        • Chapman
        • Winkler
      • 3rd Grade
        • Kidd
        • Lund
        • Miss Wilcox
      • 4th Grade
        • Goebel (Moric)
        • Hunter
        • Rotermund
        • Smith
      • 5th Grade
        • Carr
        • Duncan
    1. SCC Financial Update
      1. The entire Land trust fund was spent according to budget
      2. $26,000 left over from our cell tower fund
      3. $27,000 left over from school fundraising
    2. School Safety Report
      1. A work order has been submitted to address safety concerns on the kindergarten playground.
      2. New sign is being installed in the north parking lot to prohibit drop off/pick up during drop off/pick up hours.
    3. SCC 2023-2024 Members
      • Kim Allen
      • Jamie Dowdle
      • Mitch Evers
      • Kimball High
      • Derek Matsumori
      • Ann Odom
      • Megan Olson
      • Hadley Waters
      • Caroline Butters
      • Kathy Smith
      • Corrie Barrett
    4. Megan motioned to adjourned meeting at 8:10. Hadley 2nd. All attending in favor.
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