8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

October 23, 2020 – Minutes

Friday October 23, 2020
Virtual Meeting

Members Present

Parents: Megan Olson, Amy Jones, Derek Matsumori, Katie Park, Lance Soffe, Misa Sorenson, Hadley Waters

Faculty/Staff: Kathy Smith, Caroline Butters, Corrie Barrett

Members Excused

Parents: Abby Pohlman

Faculty/Staff: N/A

Attendees Present: N/A

Meeting called to order at 7:55

  1. Welcome- Corrie Barrett
  2. Review September- Megan Olson
    – Discussed Brookwood boosters- found at www.brookwood.boosters.weebly.com
  1. School Safety Plan- Corrie Barrett
    – October is lockdown month so the state requires earthquake, fire, and shelter in place drills
    – Lockdown/shelter in place drill took place on 10-22-2020
    – Corrie starts by sending out an announcement to the students that introduces the drill and why it is done. Dir-S system is used to notify the district and the fire station in the event of a drill or a real emergency
  1. Living Leader Explanation- Corrie Barrett
    – Brookwood’s living leader is Whitney Lund. She attends annual meetings, promotes health and wellness for the faculty and staff, and challenges teachers to be healthy.
  1. Review School Data- Corrie Barrett
    – Discussed where we have been?  Where are we going?  How do we get there?  For 20-21
    – Reading, Math, and School Climate
    – Reading: goal of 90% in grades 1-3 at/above typical growth, Measures kids progress individually

    2020-21 Reading Action plan:

    1. Review IPLC progress with faculty 
      – While kids attend 60 min. brain boosters, teachers attend training meetings
    1. Train teachers on creating individual student goals
    2. Review progress based on pathways of progress
    3. Implement coaching cycles
      *2019-2020 academic pathways
      -Met district goal but not school by MOY
      *2020-2021 same goal as last year
      -Reading action plan for K-3 is acadience(formerly DIEBELS)
      4-5 grade do reading inventory
           Continually being monitored and given intervention if needed
      Reading Goal Measurement
           Teachers set pathway of progress goals
                        – Students well below monitored weekly
                        – Students below monitored biweekly, etc
      Communication of progress to stakeholders
            Parents receive progress reports

            -Math goal is 17% growth in proficiency from fall to spring


        2020-2021 Math Action Plan

    1. Train teachers on creating individual goals through pathways of progress (available through acadience)
    2. Review progress monitoring monthly in IPLC’s
    3. Train teachers on lesson embedded enrichment
    4. Promote structured academic discussion through math language routines specifically Number Talks
    5. Restructure our walk-to-math program
    6. Continue school-wide ST Math implementation including ongoing prof. development and data analysis
    7. Purchase number talk books for each teacher $800
    8. ST Math site license $1300
    9. Revisit Number Talks at next meeting
    10. Brainstorm way to get math tutors: reach parent volunteers to be math tutors until we fill the positions, break up the position into upper and lower grades positions

        School Climate

    1. Teachers hold morning circles 3x week – tis year goal is 4x a week
      1. Greeting
      2. Sharing – taught how to respond
      3. Activity – promotes community wellness
      4. Message

        The purpose of morning circle is to promote positive social / emotional relationships between the students that will benefit them in both academic and recreational arenas, and to develop positive relationships with teachers. 

      6. Digital Citizenship/White Ribbon Week – Corrie Barrett

    1. Covered item in last meeting
    2. Date TBA in February or March

     7. SCC Finance updates- Corrie Barrett

    1. We do have leftover $ from last year
    2. Land trust- cover reading interventionists (Everyone has access to them)
    3. There is a new science curriculum for 4th and 5th grades
      1. Art-a-Palooza covers STEAM therefore Corrie proposed to set aside funds from the fundraiser to support Grades 4 and 5 science programs under their new curriculum
        – Kathy Smith seconded the motion
        – 7 parents, 2 faculty/staff were in favor
      2. Cell Tower funds
        1. PBIS Rewards (digital Bear Bucks)
        2. Teacher Meals
        3. Enrichment
      3. TSSP
        1. Social Worker Contracts
        2. Hourly Assistants
        3. Instructional Supplies

Agenda items 8 and 9- no PTA or community present to provide input

  1. Megan motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Corrie seconded
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