8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

October 7, 2022 – Minutes

Friday, October 7, 2022
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:
Parents: Amy Jones, Megan Olson, Tori Easton, Hadley Waters and Katie Park

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Caroline Butters, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:
Parents:  Beau Olsen, Derek Matsumori
Faculty/Staff: N/A

Attendees Present: Erika Hanks

Megan- Welcome Called meeting to order at 7:50

  • Review of September minutes – Megan motioned to approve. Kathy 2nd. All in favor.
  • Digital Citizenship Plan was reviewed by Corrie and approved unanimously.
    1. Filtering Information.
    2. Management Systems.
    3. Supervision by school staff.
    4. Student & Parent education.
  • Review of School Safety Plan was given by Corrie and approved unanimously.
    1. Canyons District Safety Plan was reviewed.
    2. SafeUT app was discussed.
    3. Watched a video on Canyons new safety protocol – Run, Hide, Fight.
    4. Went over Brookwood Safety Plan.
    5. Discussed safety concerns at Brookwood- the short wall in front of the kindergarten playground is Brookwood’s number 1 safety concern. Corrie will submit our concern online and make a request to improve the safety of the wall.
  • Assessment Data/Goal Review
    1. Went over reading goals for school.
    2. Reviewed math goals for school.
    3. Discussed action plan to meet the academic goals of school.
  • Voted to approve using $2000 on new Hyrdroponics program. Megan motioned to approve, Katie 2nd. All in favor.

Megan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00. Amy 2nd. All in favor

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