8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

Sept. 20, 2024 Minutes

                                                        Brookwood School Community Council Meeting Minutes

                                                                                 Friday September 20, 2024

                                                                                  7:45 am – 8:45 am Library

                                 Members Present:

                                            Parents: Megan Olson, Kimball High, Mitch Evers, Ann Odom, Kim Allen, Hadley Waters, Jamie Dowdle,                                                    Jessica Pohlman, Katie Dunn

                                            School Staff: Corrie Barrett, Caroline Butters, Kathleen Smith, Heidi Vincent

                                Members Excused:

                                            Parent: Derek Matsumori

    Welcome: 7:45 am

    Introductions: 7:48 am

    Elect Chair: 7:52 Review Roles and responsibilities Megan Olson Nominated, nominated by Hadley Waters, 2nd Mrs. Smith.

    Voting unonimous.

    Vice Chair: 7:57 Kimball High nominated by Hadley Waters, 2nd by Jessica Pohlman. Voting unanimous.

    Secretary: 7:59 Ann Odom nominated by Hadley Waters, 2nd by Kim Allen. Voting unanimous

     By-Laws, Rules of Order Review 7:53 currently 10 parent members, 3 school members, attendance expectations (cannot miss           3x). Meetings conducted by chair and/or vice chair. Issues on individual students/teachers not discussed here. Main function is      data, budget, and school goals.

    Begin and end on time, no side bar conversations. Parliamentary procedure is followed (Roberts Rule)

    Review of May minutes: Proposed acceptance of May minutes by Megan Olson, 2nd Mrs. Smith, voting unanimous.

    School Trust Land: $59,589.77 spending allocated for reading intervention specialists.

    Cell Tower: Proposed move $2K from Cell Tower fund to Social Committee fund. Motion to move $2k by Megan Olsen, 2nd Kim        Allen. Voting unanimous.

   $12,750 per year income. Review budget for cell tower spending. Starting balance $28,920 IPLC incentives, jr. Coaches, MTSS,           PTA, Safety Patrol, Social Committee, Subs, Bear TV, Ending Balance: $6465

   Deficit Spend, why are we spending more than taking in? Potential to move $2600 and 4k to TSSP funds instead of Cell Tower           funds. Required to be under 10% of budget spend.

   Now ballot Amendment B is to increase School Land Trust.

   Motion to increase SEP dinner funds from $375 to $400 by Kimball High, 2nd Jamie Dowdle. Voting Unanimous.

   Motion to review $2600 and $4k on March SCC agenda to TSSP budget by Kimball High.

   TSSP Teacher Student Success Plan: $87,745 Pays for 52% of Johnathan Landward’s (Shool Social Worker) salary, remaining             comes from the district.Also included in TSSP Michelle Brunson (attendance), 13k, Chelsea King (Math intervention), and Jyoti           Zutshi $17k (math intervention)

   Beginning balance $87,745, ending balance $8,120. OK to carry over 5%.

   School Fundraiser: don’t have this budget yet, being worked on by school.

   Proposed change to teacher Student Success Plan: Currently kindergarten goal was 75% of students at or above benchmark on       next number fluency. Want to change this goal to Beginning Quantity Discrimination.

   Next Number Fluency is not addressed until the end of kindergarten year. Beginning Quantity Discrimination is a full-year                     kindergarten skill.

   Proposed by Corrie Barrett, 2nd Megan Olson. Voting Unanimous.

   Safe Walking Routes: Need people in the community to have eyes on changes in safe walking routes.

   Two Opportunities. 1) break in sidewalk across from the church on Creek Road between 2145 E and Creative Place 2)Intersection     of Willow Creek Dr. and Bridger. No sidewalk on the East side of Bridger along the hedge. (This is covered in the current plan)

   Safe walking map by district, is Brookwood’s accurate? Corrie Barrett will find out.

   Positive Behavior Plan: Community Building circle meetings, Thrive Time Life Skills Lessons, SEL Staff Supplemental Support           Lessons, Botvin Lifeskills, Digital Citizenship, Small Grp, RestorativePractice Implementation, PBIS rewards, Parent Resources at       SEP conferences.

   Optional Programs: Red/White Ribbon Weeks, SafeUT, Digital Citizenship Week, PBIS school license, Service Learning thru                   Ouelessebougou (these students have aged out, looking for potential school service project)

    PTA Representative: Not present.

   Reminder of Future SCC Meeting Dates: 4th Friday each month except Dec. June, July.

   Jessica Pohlman requests to review the budget prior to voting on them so she can consider items instead of just voting on them       blind.

Brain Booster: Music and Drama. Are any kids frustrated by lack of art in the classroom? Mrs. Butters: we are compensating in the classroom by doing an art activity each month. Michelle Goaslind is teaching after school art classes 5-7 and 8-12 years old 1 day per week. Brookwood sing along, would be willing to teach these songs. Parent Square message sent to parents explaining the new Music/Drama booster class on 9/20/24.

Extra 10 minutes: Parent understanding. Can the school send out a notification on why the extra 10 minutes? Parent Square message sent out on 9/25/24.

Last year 9 students were on early checkout, this year we have 25.

Community debate is that Canyons District is abusing their seat time. That debate is at the district level, not school level.

Adjourn: Motion Megan Olson, 2nd Kimball High, voting unanimous.









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