8640 South Snowbird Drive, Sandy, UT 84093

September 17, 2021 – Minutes

Brookwood School Community Council Minutes

Friday, September 17, 2021
7:45 AM
Brookwood’s Media Center

Members Present:

Parents: Abby Pohlman, Amy Jones, Derek Matsumori, Megan Olson, Hadley Waters, Beau Olsen, Tori Easton

Faculty/Staff: Principal Corrie Barrett, Caroline Butters, Kathy Smith

Members Excused:

Parents: Misa Sorenson and Katie Park

Faculty/Staff: N/A

Attendees Present: Camille Merkley

  1. Welcome – Abby Pohlman
    1. Called to order 7:47
  2. Introduction of Council Members – Abby Pohlman
  3. Elect School Community Council chair, vice chair, secretary  – Corrie Barrett
      1. Kathy nominated Abby- Amy 2nd
        1. Abby discussed how this was her last year on the council. Abby is willing to be chair but would have her vice chair be more involved than she normally would just so someone can learn the roles so there is experience when she leaves.
        2. All in favor of Abby as chair
    1. Beau thinks Megan would be a good fit
    2. Abby motioned Megan to take on the role of Vice Chair- Beau 2nd.
    3. All in Favor
  2. Secretary is not a position we have to elect. The council agrees consistency is nice and Megan did a great job last year. Megan agreed to continue taking minutes again this year.
  1. By-Laws, Rules of Order Review – Corrie Barrett
    1. By-laws and rules can be found on the school website.
    2. We are required to have 2 more parents than school staff on SCC to vote on issues. We currently are 9 to 3.
    3. Abby will be sending the agenda 10 days before meetings. She asks that members add to the agenda as needed. If we have items on the agenda, we can discuss issues and vote on things necessary to take action on. Agenda will be posted on the school website a week before the meeting.
    4. What issues are appropriate to discuss in SCC meetings?
      1. LAND Trust Plan and TSSP
      2. Safe walking routes, school safety
      3. Digital citizenship
      4. Positive Behavior Plan
      5. Other issues that will affect the whole school community (such as COVID)
      6. We are unable to discuss personnel or student specific incidences/names
  1. We are required to have 4 meetings a year, but we schedule monthly and can cancel as needed
  2. We need to keep in mind by-laws will need to change and adapt over time as things change naturally
  1. Financial Update – Corrie Barrett
    1. We have $61,289 this year.
      – LAND Trust funds
      1. Interventionist salary- $52,169
      2. Newsela Subscription- $1500
      3. Decodable reader library (coming soon)- $2,500
        1. This will be a parent check out system to replace baggie books. The school is still trying to determine how to best set up this program.

– Cell tower funds- we receive about $1500 per month

  1. We have $25000 just sitting right now in funds. SCC always is part of the discussions for these funds, but it does not require a vote.
    1. This budget covers the following:
      1. IPLC incentives- $1000
      2. Flags- $100
      3. Teacher meals
      4. Enrichment (lunchroom assistant, Website Manager stipend, BLT subs, safety patrol coordinator, staff apparel, student planners, PBIS rewards, etc)
      5. Total needed: $27,544 we will carry over remaining balance into next year
      6. PTA is concerned about Bear TV as this is Audrey’s last year. Maybe we could use these funds for a stipend. Corrie let us know there is already a $2000 stipend for Bear TV.

– School funds from fundraisers

  1. Grade level STEAM money won’t be provided this year
  1. $392 remaining pre-fundraiser
    – TSSP
  2. We received more money than estimated! $63,000
    1. The following is covered by TSSP:

-½ of the counselor salary is taken from this fund as the district only provides a ½ time counselor for our school. – $31,785

-benefits for contract- $10,215

-Salary for hourly assistance- $16,160

-Debate 2500 + benefits- $2,712

-Math Olympiad 2500 + benefits- $2,712
– Business Partners- No longer have business partners

  1. Review of School Plans – Corrie Barrett
    – LAND Trust/TSSP
    1. Click here to visit the SCC page where you can access both plans
    2. We hope to have an increase of 17% overall on math Acadience
    3. ELA we hope to achieve grades 1-3 having 90% at or above typical growth

– Safe Walking Routes/School Safety

  1. Click here to view detailed walking routes
  1. Each classroom is really working on school climate. 100% of teachers will be doing morning meetings.
  2. Reunification map can be found on the school website along with emergency procedures
  3. Drills are not announced normally. But our school social worker has a list of students that have triggers that she needs to be aware of when there will be a drill.

– Digital Citizenship

  1. The district uses content keeper system to block specific websites
  2. Teachers can use Lan School to help monitor individual devices
  3. The computer booster covers basic digital safety which is built on every year.
  4. White Ribbon Week is 2/28-3/3
    1. We will be discussing our school’s digital citizenship plan in more detail at the next meeting
      – Positive Behavior
  5. Tiered Response to Rising COVID-19 Cases – Corrie Barrett
    1. Tier 2: 6-14 cases
      1. Parents will be notified
      2. Ramp up messaging on encouraging masks
      3. Ramp up messaging on staying home if sick
      4. Cleaning/electrostatic spraying Tuesday and Thursday
      5. Increase seat spacing, physical distancing where feasible
      6. Document who volunteers are working with
      7. Hold assemblies in small groups only
  1. Tier 3: 15-29 cases
    1. Send notice to parents
    2. Continue ramped up messaging on encouraging masks
    3. Continue ramped up messaging on staying home if sick
    4. Deep clean Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
    5. No assemblies, volunteers, or field trips
    6. Limit before/afterschool programs
    7. Stagger arrival and dismissal
    8. Push in brain boosters
    9. Non-essential furniture/learning spaces eliminated
    10. Provide individual student supplies
  2. Tier 4: 30+ cases
    1. Test to stay
    2. Virtual Parent conferences, events, and assemblies
    3. Only students and staff on the school grounds
  1. Input from Teachers/Staff – School Staff
  2. Input from the community- Guests
  3. Adjourn – Abby Pohlman
    1. Amy motioned to adjourn meeting, Hadley 2nd
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